“CCO Architects worked with TALL GROUP on the development of Terminalerne in Københavns Nordhavn. Due to their background and comprehensive efforts with TAP1 in the Carlsberg district on Vesterbro, TALL GROUP was able to participate in an entirely new and refreshing manner: the organization contributed with innovative ideas in terms of urban development, placing value on things that may otherwise have been overlooked.
TALL GROUP suggested a useful utilization of the area during the winter season, where the buildings would otherwise have been empty, emphasizing a sustainable and complete solution to the development of the new area. The three terminal buildings will have a double function as both terminal buildings and host of cultural events. During the winter season, the buildings will bring life to the area by hosting concerts, fashion shows and all kinds of conferences.”
– Jesper Kusk Pedersen
CCO Architects

“Det har altid både inspireret og provokeret mig, når man ikke har haft en holistisk indgang til en konkret løsning,” siger Laust Chr. Poulsen, der mener, at der alt for sjældent tænkes helt igennem og hele vejen rundt, når der investeres offentlige penge i bygninger og funktioner.”
– Laust Christian Poulsen
– Børsen, 08.11.12
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“I de små projekter har vi været tvunget til at tænke ekstremt kreativt, fordi der ikke har været midler til andet.“
– Laust Christian Poulsen
– Business.dk, 14.08.06
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“Samarbejdet med Terminalerne, tidligt i processen, har skabt en enstående case omkring tilblivelsen af de nye Krydstogtterminaler i Københavns Nordhavn. Et byrumsprojekt, der nu kan bryste sig af at være det eneste byggeprojekt, der har samlet relevante parter og dermed skabt rum i byen med helårlig belægning på flere niveauer”
– Arnt Møller Pedersen
COO Cruise and Ferries
Copenhagen Malmø Port

”With its location in a developing area of the city, TAP1 has contributed with considerable publicity for the new Carlsberg area. A major part of our vision was to create relevant traffic in the form of public, cultural events in TAP1 – a vision we feel has been achieved. TAP1 has become a well-known and respected venue in Copenhagen.
Since 2009, TAP1 has helped catalyze the urban developmentof the area”
– Lars Wilsdahl
Property Manager

“Vi er en kommerciel virksomhed med stærke kulturelle ambitioner, og vi vil gennem en række vidt forskellige arrangementer vise, at kultur og erhverv kan sameksistere og supplere hinanden.”
– Laust Christian Poulsen
– Politiken, 31.08.09
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“Der skulle ryddes op, ryddes ud, mens hotelejeren Kirsten Brøchner med tyk mystik i stemmen kun ville afsløre, at Park skulle omdannes til »et temahotel«.”
– Berlingske, 14.08.06
Download file“Selv om »Project Fox« i bund og grund er kommercielt, så ser jeg det først og fremmest sådan, at Volkswagen har givet det unge kreative miljø en gave,” siger Laust Chr. Poulsen, der er projektleder for den danske afdeling af »Project Fox«“
– Berlingske, 06.03.05

“As a young entrepreneur with little experience to begin with, it has been a major advantage to gain foothold by being a part of an established setup such as TALL GROUP. Throughout the entire process, TALL GROUP has contributed with indispensable sparring and guidance, making all relevant competencies available in order to provide APERIE with a solid platform to grow from.
Since its formation, APERIE has enjoyed an advantageous position, all due to the extensive network of TALL GROUP. Furthermore, the organization has contributed with an extensive knowledge on the development of a sustainable business, making our journey as a small business unit a success.”
– Josephine Senger
Managing Partner

“Achieving success as an entrepeneur requires the ability to be completely dedicated to your idea, to be able to let creativity and intuition run wild, and to pursue potential customers and projects. At the same time, a high degree of structure is required when it comes to administrative tasks, as well as concrete projects.
Tall Group has delivered a complete platform of administrative tools that have made it possible for Format Agency to focus on development, products, sales, and customers, allowing the company to appear as a professional unit in relation to various assignments and projects.
Tall Group as an organization is based on experiences with several start-ups, and is therefore able to provide qualified and relevant sparring on the challenges one meets as an entrepeneur. Format Agency has been able to develop in all aspects, and now, after only two years, the company is a complete and sustainable unit delivering competitive products to its customers.”
– David Brandenhoff
Managing Partner
Format Agency